The International Association of Subnational Constitutional Law

The International Association of Subnational Constitutional Law, housed at Rutgers-Camden, is an interdisciplinary institute dedicated to promoting public understanding of subnational constitutions in federal and quasi-federal systems through:

  • research and publications
  • lectures and conferences
  • consultation services
  • educational initiatives

Workshop No. 11 on Subnational Constitutions in Federal Systems World Congress of the International Association of Constitutional Law Athens, Greece, June, 2007 (pdf file)

History & Mission

The International Association of Subnational Constitutional Law, is an interdisciplinary institute dedicated to promoting public understanding of subnational constitutions in federal and quasi-federal systems. Formed following a conference in 2004 on “Subnational Constitutions and Federalism: Design and Reform,” the Association’s members publish research, conduct conferences, and devise educational programs dealing with subnational constitutions.
